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We invest values-driven capital that maximizes financial return (IRR) and achieves an eternal impact (ERR).
As a values-driven private investment firm, Kingdom Capital serves investors who prefer that their capital is managed in accordance with its SHIELD values and is invested in companies whose cultures and leadership endeavor to reflect these values. Kingdom Capital and its investors believe that these values, and similar values, drive meaningful quantitative and qualitative value creation.

INVESTORSKingdom Capital’s investors understand the importance of transferring not only their wealth, but their values to the next generation. Kingdom Capital’s unique investment platform seeks competitive returns that are realized in a values-driven approach. This approach promotes the investor’s positive legacy both within the companies receiving investments and within the investor’s generational wealth management strategies.
INVESTMENTSValues-driven capital approaches the investment relationship with the excellent business acumen and goodwill needed for a successful partnership. Our values-driven approach is a relationship built on trust, where we can utilize our network, expertise, and resources to accelerate and advance our investments’ interests at each stage in the business life cycle.
PHILANTHROPYKingdom Capital’s vision is to ultimately advance SHIELD aligned organizations through an intentional philanthropic strategy.
Business Model
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